Graston Technique
How does Graston work?
Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization or IASTM effectively breaks down fascial restrictions and scar tissue by introducing controlled microtrauma to affected soft tissue structures. This microtrauma stimulates a local inflammatory response, initiating the reabsorption of inappropriate fibrosis or excessive scar tissue and facilitating a cascade of healing activities, leading to the remodeling of affected soft tissue structures.
The stainless steel instruments we use detect and treat soft tissue dysfunction. Conditions commonly treated with Graston Technique include, but not limited to, medial and lateral epicondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff tendinitis, shoulder, and hip pain.
What’s unique about Graston Technique is at the cellular level, the stainless steel instruments trigger an inflammatory response, resulting in increased fibroblast proliferation, collagen synthesis, maturation, and the remodeling of unorganized collagen fiber matrix. This breakdown of scar tissues, adhesions, and fascial restrictions leads to improved tissue function and range of motion.
Graston Instruments
Graston Technique utilizes instruments, typically made of stainless steel with beveled edges, to manipulate the skin, myofascia, muscles, and tendons using various direct compressive stroke techniques with the stainless steel edge held at a 30-60 degrees angle to your body lasting approximately 3-5 minutes per muscle group treated.The ergonomic design of these instruments allows for deeper penetration and effective detection and treatment of soft tissue disorders.
What to Expect When Having Graston Technique
The area of your body that we treat may be red and slightly swollen because of the increased blood flow to the tissues stimulated.
While the tissue will look swollen, the benefit of Graston Technique is range of motion improvements, strength, and reduction in pain. It can also reduce scar tissue. This technique works wonders on older scar tissue that is restricting your range of motion.
In some cases, Dr. Bettie may utilize Rock Tape or Kinesiology Taping to isolate and align muscle groups. The tape serves as a guide for your joint movements, facilitating proper alignment and function. Dr. Bettie will also combine Graston Technique with motion and strengthening programs for optimal results.